What Am I Doing?

What am I doing? I don’t even know. I mean, I do know… but it’s a task that requires work, vulnerability and is hard to commit to.

I’ve found that the most difficult thing about starting something is actually starting. The launch. I’ve literally rewritten this opening paragraph dozens of times and yesterday I read something that prompted me to just do it already. May I rabbit trail for a moment and share it with you? Thank you.

“You just have to start, my friend. That thing that is whispering in your insides? Maybe for you it’s writing a note. Singing a song. Making a phone call. Having a conversation. Composing a story. Writing a check. Booking that trip. Sending an email. Going on a date. Reading a book. Signing up…. It’s time for you to get quiet before the Lord and ask Him what it looks like for you to live a life of courage today. Just start.”

“Okay, that was great. BUT GET ON WITH IT!” – You


OBVIOUSLY, I’m starting a blog.

To the reader, starting a blog is something small. But for me, this is a big jump (I’ll talk about my ‘Jump List’ in another post). As I said, it requires time, commitment, vulnerability and more time. I’m blessed with a handful of friends that love to laugh at my silly snapchats and others who have mentioned how they’ve been encouraged by a post or a note I’ve written. Creating, writing, imparting some sort of truth that initiates discussion is my creative release and I thought that maybe I could exercise my creativity while encouraging someone through a new avenue. When I think about putting myself out there for the world to see, I do get a bit nervous! Because, let’s be real- RaKia Harris has nothing good to say. And because I know you just agreed with me, let me tell you something…. I do know a God that is great and undeniably good and He’s done a lot in my heart and in my life and the least I can do is share His glory.

So that’s what I’m doing. Well, that’s what I’m going to attempt to do.

Plus, we have this very cool tool in our society- it’s media. I love it. YOU love it. We’re a visual people. We like to see things. BUT with the blessing of technology, comes the burden of the trivial. There have been times in my life where I was more concerned with things that won’t matter a second after we slip into eternity than the awesome God who created me. It blows my mind to think that WE are the heart of a God who formed the mountains, who tells the sea that it can only go so far above the shore, Who commands the sun to set and the moon to light up the night sky. Yet we seek validity through the toxicity of instruments like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and we use them to make ourselves feel good and to stir up a following. We have this addiction to #goals and the emptiness of likes, retweets and follows. Okay, now don’t get into your feelings- I’m not pointing any fingers! I will be the first to say, with both hands up, that I’m guilty of some of those things. But this question has been weighing on my heart: What does that have anything to do with Christ? What does the glory of God and the grandeur of Heaven gain from my social interactions?

Too heavy for my first blog post/introduction? Maybe.

I just want my world to revolve around Christ and want to use these instruments to share His goodness- and truth be told, I don’t nearly do that enough. I want to create a place for myself free from the distraction of likes and retweets and I want to engage more in discussing Christ and making Him known and I want you to engage with me.

So here I am adding another social app to my already cluttered phone (deep sigh). But this one is a little different- so give me a moment to tell you what rakiaronette.com means to me (I wanted to name it notboutme.com but that domain literally costs like $1600. Hashtag crazy).


1. PRAISE | I love words. I love God. And when we use our words to edify and speak about the goodness of our Savior, that praise reaches Heaven and God hears and God is pleased. Man, I want to make Him smile!

2. REFLECTION | In using the word reflection, I should make it clear that I mean to emulate- to mirror Jesus and His Grace, Truth and Love. One of the main reasons I decided to venture into blogging was because of this quote written down in my Bible:

“Lord give me the words to express to others how beautiful your love is for them.”

WOW, right? That is the purpose of life here on earth- to make Him known and to be a living testimony of His life-changing love.

3. LAUGHTER | My goal as a Christian is to become a living expression of Joy. Our joy increases as our relationship with God deepens- and what’s the best indication of joy? Laughter!

I want to make it a point to have a good time on here and to laugh. Because y’all know I. love. to. laugh. I’m not the funniest girl on the block, but I’ve been crowned Queen of Embarrassing Moments and Flops (ask my family). Stay tuned.

4. CREATIVITY | Lastly, this will be my creative outlet. I love creativity, clothes and culinary (aka FOOD! I just needed another C word!) and I think it will be fun to share all three! Someone said this about creativity:

“It’s impossible to lack creativity while standing in the presence of the Creator. The Lord has graced us with an intrinsic ability to create. To design beauty from nothing. To write, to draw, to build, to sing and to dance for someone and something bigger than ourselves…. Do not ignore your gifts, talents and innate creativity because you might be too afraid of what the world thinks of you.”

HELLOOO. That gave me a kick in the rear. This year, more than ever, I want to reflect and worship God through my creativity. I’ll offer giveaways from Crowned HandLettering Co., share outfits I’ve put together, Health/ Beauty tips I’ve uncovered and give you a review on the latest food joint I’ve visited – all through a video or a series of pictures? Not sure yet, I’m still trying to iron out those details.

When it comes down to it, I envision this blog to be a haven for family. So I’m inviting you into my house, and I want you to kick off your shoes, sit at my table and partake in the (out of this world, delicious, bomb.com) dinner I’ve prepared. I’m looking forward to being sharpened through the stories and the lessons we share. I’m a crier so I’ll probably cry- but we also will laugh, a lot. And I give you permission to laugh with me or at me- it really doesn’t matter as long as you leave my table full and happy (AND with dessert!)

So, that’s what I’m doing.

Welcome, welcome, WELCOME to my blog!

17 thoughts on “What Am I Doing?

  1. Seriously, reading your intro I’m like, “if anyone should have a blog it should be Rakia!”
    I am excited you started this and I am so looking forward to all you have to share! Love you Rakia! You encourage me on the daily with the life you lead and your love for God.
    And I literally laughed out loud hashtag crazy!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Keep writing. Even if within a week you have zero page visits–keep writing. You like it, you’re good at it, and you’re Christianity is REAL. We neglect to pursue our ambitions out of fear to fail. Failure is what teaches us, success eventually lulls us into comfortable ignorance.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Rakia I am so excited you are doing this. The first hand written card I got from you moved me closer to God, encouraged me and I felt loved. You have a gift of sharing God’s love thru your writing, however to be in your presence and see and feel your joy and love for God is an honor. I look forward to witnessing your journey you are embarking on!! Congratulations ❤️❤️🙏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so glad you’re going this, Rakia. Not only do I think you’ll find so much joy in it, I think many other people will also. There needs to be more of this in the world and I’ll think you’ll be a great represenatative for Christians through this medium. You’re transparency is refreshing, I’ll be an avid reader. You’re amazing. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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