International Women’s Day!

I couldn’t let this day go on without it leaving a stamp here.

(I also just saw a Facebook post referencing this day in a negative light and I had to take a few deep breaths, pray and head over to my blog because I can say whatever I want here.)


Our strengths are unarguably unique to our gender. But our value, worth and importance are equal.

While the label is certainly flawed, I believe Christian women are standing against true “feminism” and “Girl Power” because they don’t understand it. Too many of us haven’t taken the time to study and recognize the differences between the secular, modernized perspective of feminism and the reverence and justice for women that the Word of God models.

I am so proud to be who God created me to be.

But I also take pride in what God created me to do, my abilities and strengths- and that He calls ME, a WOMAN, to leave a mark in this world.

Women are strong. Women are capable. Women should be celebrated.

Happy International Women’s Day to all my ladies. But a special thank you to my main- My MOM!

(I have a big lump in my throat and it’s hard to see the keys for the tears welling up in my eyes- so I’ll make it short.)


Thank you for being the prime example of a STRONG woman.

You love Christ. He is your shield and your song and it makes you that much stronger.

You speak up for what you believe in! You speak up for injustice. You are, without apology, BOLD!

You are independent and capable, yet you lovingly and patiently yield to Dad and you both work together as a team- I want a marriage like that!

You are dominant in your workplace AND you maintain a home. You raised two KILLER women without skipping a beat. 😉

Thank you for teaching me to value strength and to know my God-given worth as a woman. I can’t wait for you to have little Girl Power granddaughters!

I love this day. And I love that everyday women have the opportunity to rise and to make a difference in this world- because of a God who created us, loves us and holds us high.

I’ll leave you with this beautiful quote from my friend, Sara West:

I’m thankful for a God who loves, cares, and has a special plan for every woman. I want to be a strong woman not because the feminist movement told me to be but because of the many examples in scripture of women who were strong, industrious, patient, kind, and brave.

Photo: My Great Grandma- Pearlie Middleton, My Grandma- Demetrica Allen, My mom- Annette Harris, myself and my little sister, RaKyah. GIRL POWER SQUAD!!!

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